
General Parent Information

Parents of new and returning scouts are encouraged to read the Parents Welcome Letter and Handout and the Troop Information and Handbook.


Troop 42 is a uniformed organization.  All scouts and leaders are expected to wear their official uniforms for each weekly meeting and other troop functions unless instructed otherwise. 

The troop's official uniform, sometimes also called a "Class A" uniform consists of the

  • official Boy Scout long-sleeved or short-sleeved shirt with shoulder loops (If you need information on where to sew patches onto the official uniform, take a look at the Uniform Inspection Sheet.),

  • Scout pants (long, short, or zip-offs, which give you both)

  • Scout belt and buckle

  • Scout socks or knee socks

  • neckerchief (provided by the troop) with slide

  • cap (optional)

  • merit badge sash (optional)

The Scout Handbook should be brought to each meeting

An  activity uniform, sometimes also called a "Class B", utility, or field uniform, is worn when the official uniform is not comfortable or appropriate.  The scout will be told when to wear the activity uniform.  It generally consists of:

  • a scouting tee-shirt or other troop or camp shirt
  • Scout pants or shorts

Uniforms can be purchased from the official on-line store or from a a local store.

Uniform Bank

If your scout has outgrown any pieces of his uniform, please contribute it to the Troop Uniform Bank so that other scouts may make use of it.  The uniform bank list describes items currently available.  Please contact the Troop Uniform Bank Coordinator if you can contribute or use something in the bank.

Courts of Honor

Courts of Honor are possibly the most important events for your son's scouting career. They are held three times a year (fall, mid winter, and late spring) to recognize individual scout's achievement as well as troop activities. Parents are encouraged to attend all Courts of Honor to share with their son the pride of accomplishment, and the achievements of their fellow patrol and troop members. Scouts are required to wear their full or 'class A' uniforms.


The troop has a participation policy for rank advancement and an explanation of the policy for parents.  For more information, check the Advancement page.

Parental Involvement

Parents are invited to all troop meetings, and might find it especially interesting at the beginning and end of the meetings when announcements are made. Parents are also invited on all camping trips.  Parents camp away from, but not out of ear-shot, of the boys, and often assist in running programs for the boys.  The parents' patrol, known as the Big Kahunas, is well known for excellent food and great company.
Parents are also invited to all Troop Committee meetings.


The troop is always looking for people to serve.  If you can help, please contact the Scoutmaster or Committee Chairman.  We currently need:

  • a 2nd adult Quartermaster to help track and organize the troop's equipment
  • a Fundraising Coordinator to lead the annual Wreath and Poinsettia sale and coordinate other fundraisers
  • Merit Badge Counselors to teach merit badges.  Counselors can choose from a wide variety of subjects in which they themselves have interest.  The BSA National Council publishes information on how to become a counselor.
  • a Range Master for teaching rifle and shotgun shooting merit badges (must be NRA certified).
  • Troop Committee members.  You do not need scouting experience to contribute.  Troop Committee meetings are held once a month, and are posted in the Troop Administrative Calendar.
  • Assistant Scoutmasters to help the boys run the program.


Annual troop dues are $114.00 per boy and are paid in October.  If paying dues will cause a financial hardship, please speak to the Troop Treasurer.  No boy will be refused because of financial hardship.

How are Troop Funds Used?

Most troop funds support Troop 42 camping programs, awards, and training, but a significant portion is paid to the Boy Scouts of America national and district . 


Fund Raising

The primary fundraiser for the year is the Annual Wreath & Poinsettia sale that runs from Mid-October thru Thanksgiving weekend. To reach the goal we again need full participation by the troop.  So the plan is to:
a.      Collect a fund raising fee of $100 per scout, which will be collected in December when the drive is over.  To encourage participation, there are a number of rewards:
b.      Refund $50 of the fund raising fee if sales of $150 - $249 are made.
c.       Refund the full $100 fund raising fee if sales of $250 or more are made.
d.      If sales exceed the $250 goal, then a credit of $5 toward dues or summer camp will be granted per $50 of additional sales.
The success of this effort helps keep the annual dues reasonable and makes the program put together by the boys possible. Over the past few years, the troop added the July 4th Pancake Breakfast, which has yielded important funds for the Troop and generating great publicity at the same time.  Breakfast at Applebee's has also become an annual event helping to fund our camping activities. The Troop Fundraising committee continues to look for new ways to generate funds for the troop program.  Anyone with additional ideas for fundraising should contact our Fundraising Coordinator

Friends of Scouting

Every fall you are asked to pay local dues to your unit. These fees keep your pack, troop or crew operating and maintain registration with the Boy Scouts of America. This income does not support your local Connecticut Yankee Council. The Council is supported primarily through a partnership program called Friends of Scouting (FOS).

Friends of Scouting provides for liability insurance, training courses, program events, four first class outdoor camping facilities and special outreach programs. Connecticut Yankee Council provides direction, consistent quality programs and protection for youth involved in your local Scouting unit. Friends of Scouting also helps provide much needed Scouting opportunities for "at risk" youth in the inner-city areas.

Your support of Friends of Scouting allows your Council to provide quality summer camp programs at affordable prices. Friends of Scouting dollars provide camp scholarships, or "camperships," that give every youth the opportunity to attend summer camp. Friends of Scouting dollars also help to ensure that when your unit needs assistance, a lending hand is there to help. Friends of Scouting is truly a partnership between families and their Boy Scout Council.

Web Site Photo Policy

Troop 42 abides by the National BSA Unit Web Site Guidelines. Last names and contact information of youth members are not published on the troop web site. Photos of activities are published, but without names or identified photos.

If you do not want images of your son to be published, please contact the webmaster and no image including your son will be used.

Controlled Substance Policy

The troop has a controlled substance policy that applies to all troop activities.