Yard Clean-up: This involves the moving of firewood
stacks, lumber, grills, boats and other equipments in
the shop yard from one end to another to better organize
the facility. About 8 hours of work for several scouts.
Cord wood cutting: for older scouts. Park needs cord
wood cut into firewood for park use (maintenance shop,
managers house, park campfires). Never ending work,
plenty of hours of skilled and hard work.
Trail maintenance: Red dot trail along the shoreline
needs to be re-blazed and marked. Possibility of
placing brush and downed trees by "the rocks" to create
a natural barrier. Several days work: possible Eagle
CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) camp restoration.
Clearing of brush and clean up of of CCC camp mess
hall. Possible construction of interpretive signs.
Need historical research conducted. Possible Eagle
scout project.
Pot hole repair and fill: Ball Pond boat launch and Pine
Hill parking lot. Park Ranger delivers and dumps the
gravel, scouts shovel and rake.
Pootatuck fire road maintenance. Good project for older
scout to lead. Fire road (about 5 miles) is cleared,
rocks removed, culverts brushed out, etc. Lots of
labor. Several days work.
Spring time cleaning of park trucks, boats, tractors,
mowers, etc., possibly in conjunction with a class
involving vehicle maintenance.